Skill – Marksman

Rule 2 of Green Cloaks basic training: shoot them in the head, preferably from a vast distance away.

Using specialised ammunition, a marksman may eliminate threats from a distance, or use wellplaced shots to rend limbs.

The Rifle skill and a rifle physrep are required in order to use this skill. One marksman round must be expended for each use of a call granted by this ability. A physical round does not need to be fired or hit the target in order for the calls granted by this ability to be used.

All calls used with the Marksman skill have a limited range of 100 metres (300 feet). Aiming must be uninterrupted for use of this skill: if you break line of sight with the target for longer than 5 seconds, then you must start your skill count again. You may only move at a slow walking pace whilst using this skill.

Shields may break line of sight to the target’s head, preventing the use of the Fatal call, however the marksman may still be able to use the same preparation period to make the Rend call instead if they do not lose line of sight to the target as a whole. Lining up a shot for Fatal or Rend will not break Stealth, but making the call itself will.

The time it takes to use this skill is reduced for a character of the Human Sniper class, and can also be reduced by certain crafted items. However, the minimum time it can ever take to activate the Rend or Fatal call is 30 seconds, taking into account all modifiers.

Tier 1

  • May expend a marksman round to call “Marksman Fatal” or “Marksman Rend ” after 60 seconds of uninterrupted aiming.
  • To call Marksman Fatal, you must be able to see the head of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.
  • To call Marksman Rend, you must be able to see any part of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.

Tier 2

  • May expend a marksman round to call “Marksman Fatal” or “Marksman Rend ” after 55 seconds of uninterrupted aiming.
  • To call Marksman Fatal, you must be able to see the head of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.
  • To call Marksman Rend, you must be able to see any part of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.
  • Once per day, may call “Marksman Rend ” without expending a marksman round.

Tier 3

  • May expend a marksman round to call “Marksman Fatal” or “Marksman Rend ” after 50 seconds of uninterrupted aiming.
  • To call Marksman Fatal, you must be able to see the head of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.
  • To call Marksman Rend, you must be able to see any part of the target without breaking line of sight for more than 5 seconds.
  • Twice per day, may call “Marksman Rend ” without expending a marksman round.
Marksman TierTier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Normal Aim Time60 seconds55 seconds50 seconds
Sniper Class Aim Time50 seconds45 seconds40 seconds