
All weapons used at Green Cloaks should fall into one of the categories below, and should be within the specified limitations for a weapon of that type. Please note that all weapons must be checked before play by a qualified referee.

  • Blasters must bear an up-to-date plastic tag that indicates they have been checked and are safe to use. If you require one of these tags, you must go to the Blaster Safety tent to get the blaster checked and tagged.
  • Collapsible-tip weapons must bear a ribbon tag to clearly identify the weapon as a collapsible-tip one, allowing referees to identify them at a glance to verify safe play.
  • Bows and crossbows must be poundage checked (30lb maximum), and have a safety license attached to them. These checks are carried out at the Games Organisation Desk. Those using bows, crossbows and collapsible-tip weapons must also undergo a competence test before using them. Melee weapons must be checked to see that they are undamaged and within the limitations of the rules. If you are found to be knowingly using a weapon that has not been checked or approrpiately tagged, that item may be confiscated.

Bellow are the rules for various Weapons


To begin creating your character, you will need to choose from one of the four regiments. This section contains detailed descriptions about them. Your choices are:

Delmont 205th

Durgan 109th Light Infantry

Kingskeep 98th

Marazion 23rd Heavy Infantry

Regimental Skills
Each regiment has a different skill that all their recruits have the opportunity to learn. This is called a Regimental Skill, and it represents the cultural background of each regiment. With the exception of adepts, humans receive their classes through regimental training, and will automatically receive training in their regiment’s specialist skill. Adepts and other races are also able to learn their regiment’s skill, but they do not start with the training by default.

The Regimental Skills are as follows:

Delmont 205thBackstab

Durgan 109th Light InfantryMelee Weapons

Kingskeep 98thStealth

Marazion 23rd Heavy InfantryHeavy Weapons


Below you will find the list of available classes for your chosen race. Each class has different attributes depending on their background, and some classes may receive unique bonuses. At the start of every event, all classes receive (as standard issue) 1 dermograft patch, and their wage. Wages can vary, but will usually be 1 Mark, 2 Credits . Away from Sovereignty space, there is little use for this money, but it is often used amongst soldiers to barter goods and services or to track favours. All characters can use a holdout pistol and dagger without a specific skill.






Character Creation

On this page, you will be guided through the process of building your character. In order to create your new recruit, you will need to decide on several defining features:

Regiment – There are four regiments in the Green Cloaks Task Force, each with different specialisations and goals.

Race – There are five playable races. Although there are other races in the Green Cloaks universe, only these five are permitted within the Terran Sovereignty Army (TSA), and therefore available to players. These are:

Class – Different races have different class specialisations available to them. You must choose one in order to determine which skills your character is most suited to.

Skills – There are many different skills available for your character to train in. Although a character may obtain a wide array of skills, they are naturally more inclined towards the skills that their class specialises in.

Background – You must decide who your character is, where they come from, and what motivates them. You may want to choose a name based on the race and planet your character comes from.

More information on the background of the setting and the various planets contained within is located in the Lore section of the website.


Calls are the OOC mechanic used to indicate certain IC effects. The call itself cannot be heard IC by characters, however they may respond to it as if they have seen, heard or felt an appropriate effect. To perform a call, say the name of the call clearly and, depending on the call, either strike another character with a relevant weapon or point at the character to indicate the intended target. Characters may only use calls if they have a relevant skill or item that allows them to do so. The exception to this is the Subdue call, which any character may use. All calls should be clearly audible to the target.

Out of Character Calls
Generally these calls will be made by a referee, with the exception of “Safety”, which can be called at any time by anybody. It is important to know and understand these calls.

Time In – Everyone is now In Character (IC) and the game is in progress.

Time Out – The game is over for now. Everyone is now Out of Character (OOC) and all IC interaction should cease.

Time Freeze – Upon hearing this call, you must close your eyes and hum loudly until a ref calls “Time In”. This usually represents something happening instantaneously IC, such as teleportation. Your character is unaware of the pause in time, and does not become aware of any changes during the Time Freeze until Time In is called.

Safety – Can be called by anyone to stop the game in case of an injury or other safety issue. If you hear this, stop what you’re doing immediately and kneel where you are. If you are the person who has made the call, you must remain standing (if able). This is to allow referees or safety personnel to quickly see and get to OOC injuries during play.

In Character Calls
These calls may be used by players, monsters, or referees during the game. It is suggested that you have a good understanding of them, but if you are not certain, consult a nearby ref or one of your fellow players.

The following rules apply to IC calls:

  • Unless otherwise indicated, all damage is taken in the default order: Energy Shield, then Physical Armour, then Endurance.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, all calls delivered through a physical attack (via a melee or ranged weapon) cause 1 point of damage.
  • Some of these calls bypass certain hit types. If a call bypasses a hit type, it means that the character still has the hits granted by the bypassed type.
  • Calls that are applied via a physical attack can be blocked (by melee weapons or shields) unless indicated otherwise in the description. However if you do block them, please react as if you have just blocked a particularly strong shot or challenging blow.
  • Where a call has (X) in its name or description, this indicates that the call will be accompanied by a number, which indicates the tier, damage, or power of the call.
  • If the wording of a call conflicts with the wording of any basic rule, the rule stated in the call takes precedence.

The calls in system:


Having chosen a race, you can now determine the class of your character. Some races have many classes to choose from, while some are highly specialised, such as tae’go and vrede. Before you make your decision, you will need to know how class customisation works.

Skill Customisation
A character’s advancement through their training is measured by skill points. As you play the game, you will become more experienced with the skills you have chosen and even learn new ones. The regiment and class you choose will give you access to different skills. When creating a character, you will customise your character’s skills by spending your starting skill points.

Each class starts with a number of skill points, which will be listed in their class information. Starting characters must spend all of their starting skill points, and they may not be saved for later use. As a starting character, you will have one or more free starting skills to choose from. These are the skills that your character may gain at Tier 1 without having to expend a starting skill point. Most humans also receive their Regimental Skill at Tier 1 as a free starting skill. Starting skills are listed in the details of each class.

If your free Regimental Skill is the same as one of your free class starting skills, you may use both free skills to take it at Tier 2 by spending one of your starting skill points.

Purchasing Skills
Each class has two sets of skills; Primary and Secondary. Primary skills are the major specialisation for a class; the skills your character has the greatest understanding of. It is cheapest to purchase and advance the Primary skills of your class. Secondary skills are the skills your character has a moderate understanding of, and are marginally more expensive to purchase and advance.

Skills that are not within the Primary or Secondary sets of your class are considered Out of Class. Out of Class skills are more expensive to purchase and advance. The point cost of Primary, Secondary, and Out of Class skills is listed below:

PrimarySecondaryOut of Class
Tier 1123
Tier 2235
Tier 3347

Please note that you must have already purchased the previous tier of a skill in order to purchase the next tier of that skill.

Omega based skills are however limited to Classes able to manipulate the Omega.

Experience and Skill Advancement
If you attend a main event, you will earn 2 experience points (XP). Once you have played one event as a character, you may then begin to spend XP between events to purchase and advance skills for your current character.

You may save up to 10 unspent XP at one time, and you may not spend more XP during one advancement than your character has skill points (SP).

For example, a new character has 4 SP, so you may not spend more than 4 XP during the first advancement you make. If you spend 4 XP on that character, you may then spend up to 8 XP on the next advancement, and so on.

If your character dies or retires, unspent XP is retained, and can be spent on your new character, or continue to be saved, up to the limit of 10 XP.’

All characters can use a holdout pistol and dagger without a specific skill.

Below is a list of all the skills in system:

Omega Skills