The 109th regiment hails mainly from the planet Durgan, although it accepts members from throughout the Terran Sovereignty and its allies. Its primary role in the field is as a melee-based light infantry force. There are several specialised units which make up the 109th which, when combined, create a stalwart but fluid force to be reckoned with.
Durgan is the home to the Temple of the Sword. This order’s temples teach swordsmanship, and those who study the arts of the blade learn quickly that in the universe of guns and killing machines the sword never runs out of ammunition.
The Temple also embodies the Virtues – charity, faith, honour, justice, loyalty, mercy, truth and valour – that define the spirit of the 109th. Most people choose one particular Virtue to embody, but a rare few study them all. Each of the units have their mottos to live by, but throughout the 109th can be heard the shouts of “Everybody comes back alive!”, a bold statement of the commitment of the members of this regiment to one other, and their joint belief in the Virtues.
Although they are fearsome on the battlefield, the 109th know how to relax in style during times of rest. They generally have the largest and best-stocked camp. It is welcoming to all who wish to be their friends and is often filled with people from all of the regiments, and others from strange and mysterious places.
Regimental specialist skill: Melee