Mechanic – Death Count

Your death count is the period of time after you have become Wounded, and are in a state of dying. During this time, you must count upwards to 120 seconds (2 minutes). If you reach the end of your death count, your character is dead. Please note that you can choose to die at any point in your death count.

Mechanic – Unconsciousness

When unconscious, your character is not aware of anything happening around them. If you become unconscious, you remain unconscious until you receive the Restore Endurance call, or after 15 minutes.
If you are unconscious and Wounded, you must remain unconscious either until you have received both the Heal Wound and Restore Endurance calls, or until the end of your Death Count. If you become unconscious at full Endurance, the Restore Endurance call will rouse you, even though it cannot increase your Endurance above maximum.

Mechanic – Wounds

If you become Wounded, you must roleplay being in great pain, bleeding out, and dying. You may roleplay appropriately, based on the damage that wounded you, but you must follow the procedure below. As soon as you become Wounded:

  • You must start your 120 second death count.
  • You may still be conscious, but you are dying and in agony. You may call out for help
  • You cannot use skills or items, and you cannot walk. You may crawl slowly if you have use of at least one arm – roleplay appropriately.
  • You must fall unconscious if you take any further damage.

If you receive the Stabilise call, your death count will be reset to 120 seconds

If you receive the Heal Wound call, you are restored to being Exhausted.

While you are Wounded, the Restore Endurance call will not affect you, and no call is needed.

If you reach the end of your death count, your character is dead.

Mechanic – Endurance

Endurance represents your ability to shrug off injuries or dodge out of the way of attacks. Different character classes and races have different numbers of Endurance hits. The number of hits your character will have is specified below:

ClassEndurance Hits
Mascen Shaman / Mascen Tinkerer
/ Vrede Scientist
Regular Classes3
Human Trooper4
Mascen Big’un5

The Fortitude skill can also be acquired to increase your Endurance.

If any damage or effect causes your Endurance to drop to zero, you will enter a state of Exhaustion. You should roleplay being debilitated and in pain. In this state you can fight, but cannot run or use calls. If you run or use a call, you will immediately become Wounded. This is to allow a character to perform a heroic sacrifice at their own expense. If you take any further damage while Exhausted, you will become Wounded. You may still use single-use Med-Tech items such as dermografts without Wounding yourself. If you gain back your Endurance by receiving the Restore Endurance call, or by spending at least 15 minutes in a recovery period, you are no longer Exhausted and can act normally again.

Mechanic – Hits

Hits (or hit points) are the way in which damage is measured. Every melee attack or a foam dart strike inflicts 1 point of damage, and this damage will take effect in the order given below. Please note that there are many other ways of being damaged, some of which will affect your defences in different ways.

Points of damage will usually remove hits from your character in this order:

1. Energy Shields (where applicable)
2. Armour (where applicable)
3. Endurance

If your character has zero Endurance and would lose another hit, they will become Wounded.

For melee attacks to cause damage, each blow should be made with a full swing of the weapon and must successfully hit the target. Make sure you are fighting safely. All hits are global, meaning that being hit anywhere on your body will cause one point of damage to your hits as a whole, not just to the location that was hit. The exception to this is that hits to the hands and feet do not count as damage (to encourage more fair, dramatic fighting), although intentionally blocking with hands and feet is not allowed.